School Uniform
We believe our school uniform supports our children and young people. It encourages a sense of pride in being a member of Dunnington School, develops a sense of community and helps children feel equal to others. Uniform also has a positive impact on behaviour and attitudes in school.
Children should arrive at school in correct school uniform, looking smart and presentable in weather–appropriate clothing.
Children and parents can choose their uniform from the following list:
- Red check shirt/blouse to be worn with red tie (winter)
- Red polo shirt (summer)
- Red sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan with logo
- Grey skirt, pinafore, shorts, skorts or trousers
- Red check dress (summer)
- Suitable black shoes (not trainers)
- Grey/red tights or white/grey socks
All items of clothing should be labelled with the child’s name.
Please ensure that long hair (longer than shoulder length) is tied back. Watches and stud earrings are the only jewellery to be worn. No smart watches.
PE Uniform
Children wear PE uniform to school on the days when they have PE lessons, usually two days each week. They don't need to change into their normal uniform on these days.
- White polo shirt
- Red shorts
- Black pumps (indoors)
- Trainers or pumps (outdoors)
- For winter PE kit- red/grey/black plain (no sports logos) jogging bottoms and long sleeved top
Earrings should be removed or covered for PE.
Buying uniform
All uniform is available from high street stores or the National Schoolwear shop in Alcester, who are the official suppliers for uniform with logos and checked shirts. The Friends of Dunnington School have second-hand clothing available all year round on a rail within the school – they ask for a £1 donation for each item.