Applications to join Dunnington School are handled by Warwickshire County Council's admissions service. We normally have spaces for 15 children to join our Reception Class each year.
Children are usually admitted to the school at the beginning of the academic year in which they will be five, and you can apply for your child's school place in the November before this date:
- November - Applications for school admissions open
- January - Applications for school admissions close
- April - School place offers go out to parents
- September - child starts school
Once your offer has been accepted, we will contact you directly to let you know about our induction arrangements to welcome your child to our school.
Requests for places in other year groups are also managed by admissions; please contact them directly, through the link below.
As Dunnington School is a Voluntary Aided School the school governing body remains the admissions authority and all applications are judged by the governing body’s admissions criteria.